Monday, 14 May 2007

On Hold

The Proof of the pudding but wheres the pudding ?


Anonymous said...

Hmmm, South Park is funny but... until now the Mighty Morph has merely exposed the criminality, political failings and electoral shortcomings of you guys, righty so. You are crap at the end of the day, at most things come to mention it. Least of all holding down a worthwhile job .. (that's for you, Scrotum).

However, If you want to get personal and talk about perceived social inadequacies then it's a bit f**king rich. I could talk about the very odd and disturbing social habits of one of your newest (and baldest) recruits here-abouts. I could also talk about the somewhat disturbing (yet unsurprising) 'family' history of one of your closest and most prominent activists in this here parish. I could also mention the very worrying, very real and very recent criminal activities of yet another of your new 'whiter than white' recruits. But I won't.

Not yet, at least. And even then, it's information that would probably be better off in the hands of appropriate authorities... once you've named them as candidates, of course.

Maybe next year, the year after, the following year - doesn't really matter. It's all about timing, folks. And let's face it, you're not averse to attracting misfits, spies, drunks or losers.

They'll all tell the tale for the price of a pint...

All the best


Anonymous said...

Rumour rumours. This is what you base your argument on is it. The ramblings of a few piss heads you align yourself with to get some info. How sad. This highlights your lack of argument.

We could talk about a local Cllr who has a son who is a drug dealer (evidence we have)another who made comments about how corrupt local Asians are and how they hate Pakistani politics (recorded), or we could expose MPs and their not so clean families. We could mention local MP personal aid who was photographed drugged off his head but we dont need to.

You see we have won the hearts and minds of the majority of local native people, that is why we got more of their votes than any other party locally. You can keep your oppressed muslim women vote and your Sharia masters.

You have lost the argument hence the reason you have to resort to personal attacks. When the Muslims have finished with you and cast you aside for one of their own kind dont come running to us. You my friend will be all alone.

PS Nick Griffin had a great night meeting all the Rams players last week when he went for a pint to the Black bull in dewsbury. He was well received.

Anonymous said...

Reason people like carl morphett hate themselves.

Western proponents of Political Correctness are ideologically close to White Supremacists, since they assign a “special status” to white people that they don’t give to anybody else. It doesn’t make it any more just that this “special status” is negative. The opposite of White Supremacy can perhaps be called the White Worthlessness Syndrome (WWS). Self-hating white Westerners are victims of WWS.

I do not see why I should have to choose between White Supremacy and White Worthlessness. It is one thing to reject the idea that your culture should be forced onto others, it is quite another thing to say that you shouldn’t be allowed to retain your culture even in your own country. The latter is simply a matter of self-preservation, the most basic instinct of all living things down to bacteria level.

I have a right to preserve my culture, too, even though I have blue eyes, and cannot see anything “racist” in not wanting my children to become a persecuted minority in their own country through mass immigration. That you are denounced as a White Supremacist for just stating the obvious shows how deeply entrenched and internalized this anti-white bias has become.
Fjordman is a noted blogger who wrote for the Fjordman Blog in the past. He has also been published on many other websites, including Gates of Vienna, which is the publication where this article originally appeared.